Nuuniooni rühmituse etteaste Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogu ja Põhja- ja Baltimaade kultuurikoostöö sõlmimisel Draamateateris.
Kooseis: Erni Kask (vokaal), Peeter Rästas (heli), Taavi Varm (visuaal).
Far, jeg har skrevet to taler. En er grøn og en er gul.
Dad, I’ve written two speeches. One green and one yellow.
Vecums nenāk viens.
Age doesn’t come alone.
Gled deg pappa, her er jeg!
Be happy, dad, here I am!
Se on sukuvika kun suksi ei luista.
It’s inherited tallent when skies don’t slide.
Alla vill att yxan skall gå men ingen vill hålla skaftet.
Everybody wants an axe to work but nobody wants to hold the handle.
Det här med internet är bara en övergående flyga.
Internet is just a passing craze.
Peer, du lyver!
Peer, you lie!
Ta vara på ditt liv för nu är din stund på jorden.
Take care of your life for now is your moment on earth.
Vara vit mans slav.
Be white man’s slave.
Mitt er þitt og þitt er mitt, þú veist hvað ég meina.
Mine is yours and yours is mine, you know what I mean.
Galvenais lai kājas būtu siltas.
The most important is that the feet are warm.
Gud bevare Danmark!
God protect Denmark!
Det är fränt att betala skatt.
It’s cool to pay taxes.
Det er berre lekkert.
It’s just appetizing.
Malúnininko gérima zinaí? Labaí geraí malsína tróskuli.
Do you know the miller’s drink? It quenches your thirst the best.
Vér mótmælum allir.
We all object!
Tukša muca tālu skan.
Empty barrel resounds far.
Dett var dett!
That was that!
Gulbīti, gulbīti, kustini kājiņas, aizved mani uz laimīgo zemi.
Swan, swan, move your legs – bring me to the happy land.
Havuja, perkele!
Havuja, perkele!
Du skal ikke tro, du er noget.
You shall not think that you are special.
Turun muna, obo kikkel.
Turun muna, obo kikkel.
Keinot on monet, sano emäntä, kun kissalla pöytää pyyhki.
There are different means, said the lady when she was sweeping the table with a cat.
Eigi skal höggva.
Thou shall not strike.
Det är synd om människan.
I pity a man.
Nasing spešal.
Nothing special.
Tar du den, så tar du den.
If you take this you take that too.
Längsta resan för en person är den inresan.
The longest journey of a person is the inner journey.
Vi må da håbe, at det bliver bedre i morgen!
Let’s hope that everything will be better tomorrow!
Der som ingen kunne tru at nokon kunne bu.
Where nobody would have believed that someone would live.
Katrs saprot pēc savas samaitātības pakāpes.
Everybody understands the things based on their level of moral.
To lys på et bord, tre forløsende ord, fire glas fyldt med ungdommens mod…
Two candles on a table, three redeeming words, four glasses of the
courage of youth…
Have you finished?
No. I’m Danish.
Oh, my God!
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